Chesterfield Borough Council with the assistance of Wildlife Trust are currently undertaking the planting of the Jubilee Trees at the bottom end of the field. Next week they will fence the areas off to ensure the trees are protected in the longer term and to provide some protection for ground nesting birds etc..
Click here for a map of where the planting is taking place, species mix and fencing lines. Received from Sarah Poulton at Chesterfield Borough Council regarding the new Tree Warden Scheme:
Under the banner of the Tree Council, the borough council are setting up a tree warden scheme here in Chesterfield. It will give people in the community chance to get involved in all manner of tree activity. If you are passionate about trees, this is for you. Consultation on the Parks and Open Spaces and Play Strategies
Received from John Ramsey atthe Borough Council. Please see below which Esther has asked that we share with our email group.
Dear Friends of Parks Groups, The PSPO/dog control is under review and the consultation period is Monday 17th May through to Sunday 20th June. It would be appreciated if you could reply if you are interested in participating before Thursday so that I can let the organiser know. Thanks Linda THE FRIENDS OF WHITECOTES
INVITE YOU TO A BULB PLANTING TO TAKE PLACE ON THE PLAYING FIELD ON FRIDAY 23 OCTOBER FROM 10:30 – 12 NOON PLEASE BRING A SPADE WITH YOU THIS IS BEING RUN BY CHESTERFIELD BOROUGH COUNCIL WHO HAVE ARRANGED FOR PARKSIDE SCHOOL TO BE INVOLVED SOCIAL DISTANCING WILL APPLY First of all I would like to say how nice it is to see Whitecotes Playing Field being so well used. In these strange times we find ourselves in we are lucky to have such a lovely open space on our doorstep to enjoy.
I know it hardly seems like a year but we are coming up to our AGM in August, which due to the circumstances, we will not be able to hold in public. The committee (some of whom are shielding) are looking to do this remotely and should you have any items you wish to be added to the agenda it would be appreciated if you could forward these to us. I will then prepare the Agenda accordingly. After meetings and discussions with Ross Fawbert, a manager of Chesterfield Crematorium, we are so pleased to tell you that he has arranged for a path to be installed connecting the existing cemetery path network to the entrance to Whitecotes Playing Field.
It will link up to the tarmac path we recently installed near the playground and on through to Hazel Drive. We understand work will begin when weather permits. We know how welcome this will be to the community and would like to thank Ross for his efforts in bringing this about. |
November 2024